Slice of Gaia DR2 tour segment

gaia1331906450 segments

Tour Segments

The images below show long segments of the tour, the first seven with 178 million edges and the last the 85.9-million-edge trip home. As usual, the hue of each edge represents its position in the tour order.

Gaia DR2 segment 0
Gaia DR2 segment 1
Gaia DR2 segment 2

Gaia DR2 segment 3
Gaia DR2 segment 4
Gaia DR2 segment 5

Gaia DR2 segment 6
Gaia DR2 segment 7

Tour Parts 1 & 2

Allowing the iMac to spin its fan quite a bit, it was possible to render half of the tour at a time. The first of the two images shows the initial 712,000,000 edges of the tour, and the second image displays the final 619,906,450 edges.

Gaia DR2 half 1
Gaia DR2 half 2


In case you are wondering about the 178-million-edge segments. A star in a drawing is represented by its xyz-coordinates. For the drawing, each of these coordinates is a single-precision floating-point number, so we use 12 bytes of storage per point. Thus 178 million points fit nicely into a 2GB buffer.