How To


Manage Matrix Brackets
You have to manually set Equation Editor bracket sizes for text-based tables.
Deal With Unordered Lists
Allow unordered lists with comma separation. Gives part marks, allows lists of varying length.
Access Numerators and Denominators
without using Maple calls
Deal With Integrals
Specifically indefinite integrals. Have the answer display nicely, give part-marks for forgetting the constant of integration, etc.
Generate a random non-zero number
Select a number from (-n, n) without getting zero, or using a conditional statement.
Deal with (letter) case
allow word answers in any and all cases.
Allow Percent or Probability
Simple code allowing student to enter a probability like 0.25, a percent like 25% or even just 25.
 Algorithmically label images
It is very easy to label images with algorithmic variables, or just about anything you want!
Select the Answer and Alternates from a List
Randomly select a MC answer from a list, then select all the other list elements as alternates.
  Align the entries in a matrix
Mobius' default alignment is ugly, make it better.
Add the Normal Calculator to a page
Allows students to find normal and inverse-normal values.
 MathML Special Effects
Enhance content, for example .

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Last updated: 2022/04/05 SS/DAG