University of Waterloo Mobius Help Web
For question editors

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This is indeed Sean Scott's website. Currently it serves as our in-development Mobius Help website. Sean can be reached by e-mail, sm3scott at


Quick Tip: In EE, type greek-character-name followed by Ctrl-Space to get that character.
Addendum to the tip: This does not work for many small letter characters, a bug that has been reported.

How To
A comprehensive list of things you may want to do.
Manage Matrix Brackets, Deal With Unordered Lists, Access Numerators and Denominators, Deal With Integrals, Generate a random non-zero number, Deal with (letter) case, Allow Percent or Probability, Algorithmically label images, Select the Answer and Alternates from a List, Align matrix elements, Implement a popup Normal calculator.
MathML code for objects the Equation Editor palettes are missing.
Maple Issues.
Solutions to some of the oddities of Maple including Maple Grading.
Improvements and efforts above-and-beyond.
Special Stuff
Symbol Table, Maple Nuggets
Bug fixes and related matters
Various examples of using plot commands