Maple Grading Issues: Scalar multiples of Vectors


Many answers in Linear Algebra should accept any non-zero multiple of the answer vector as correct. For example if the student is asked to find a normal vector v then any multiple α v should also be correct (assuming α 0 ).

To do this you need to use the norms of your answer vector and the vector entered by the student. If you divide the components of a vector by its norm the result is a unit vector in the same direction. The idea then is to turn both your answer and the student response into such a unit vector, and compare the unit vectors.

Suppose the answer is the vector . Then your Maple grading code is as follows:

vn:=LinearAlgebra[VectorNorm]($v, Euclidean);
wn:=LinearAlgebra[VectorNorm](w, Euclidean);
evalb(LinearAlgebra[Equal](w/wn, v/vn))

Incidentally, if you know the components of your vector you can have it display nicely in the "Answer" field as follows:


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Last updated: 03/23/2023 SS/DAG