Exact Answers

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To make explaining exact vs calculator answers easier, you can just link to the following page. In your question you would add a line like this:

Note: Give an exact answer (explained).

That in turn will popup a window containing this explanation:

Generally speaking a calculator answer is NOT exact, because the calculator must (usually) approximate a number. For example π is exact, but 3.1415926535897931 is not no matter how many decimals you carry. When asked for exact answers do NOT use your calculator!  Here are some more examples:

To do this insert the following code in your question:

<strong>Note: Give an exact answer </strong>(<a onclick="window.open(this.href,'Exact','resizable=yes,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,
fullscreen=no,dependent=no,width=700,height=440,status'); return false" href="/mapleta/web/yourcourse/Public_Html/Tools/ExactAnswers.htm"><font size="1">explained</font></a>)<strong>.</strong>


The file used in the popup is ExactAnswers.htm and can be downloaded by right-clicking on the link show. This file requires the image file Table.gif, downloadable the same way. ExactAnswers.htm and Table.gif must be in the same folder on your T.A. site, unless you want to edit the code in ExactAnswers.htm. We recommend creating a folder callled Tools in your course web space and placing both these files there.

FYI: You can get the appropriate URL from within your question by inserting an image and selecting a file in Tools. Copy the URL from the image description, then cancel the image.

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Last updated: 2021/07/15 SS/DAG