The Choose Construct
Cut'n'Paste MathML

a choose b or aCb. Replace the a and b with your own values (42 and 3 shown).

How to Use

  1. You can start with this basic template by inserting the following code in a blank equation, using the MathML tab of the editor:

    <math xmlns=''> <mrow> <mfenced open='(' close=')' separators=','> <mtable rowalign='baseline' columnalign='center' groupalign='{left}' rowspacing='1.0ex'> <mtr><mtd><mrow><mn>a</mn></mrow></mtd></mtr> <mtr><mtd><mrow><mn>b</mn></mrow></mtd></mtr> </mtable> </mfenced> </mrow> </math>

  2. To insert this construct in an existing equation, first select MathML/LaTeX, go to where you want the choose construct and insert:

    <mfenced open='(' close=')' separators=','><mrow><mtable rowalign='baseline' columnalign='center' groupalign='{left}' rowspacing='1.0ex'><mtr><mtd><mrow><mn>a</mn></mrow></mtd></mtr>

    Replace a and b with your values. You can do this in code or switch back to the Equation Editor.

  3. You can also "build your own" choose construct in Equation Editor as follows:
    1. Right-click where you want the Choose
    2. Select the (a) object
    3. Right-click on the a in the bracket and select the object shown below:
    4. Delete the a in this object (that will cause the c and b to further separate) and replace c and b with your values.

      Here's a comparison of the results:

Updated 2020/06/19 SMS/DAG

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