tcltk dependency

The loon package depends on the tcltk package which comes shipped with the default R system. Note that

You can check whether tcltk works in your R (Mac users after installing XQuartz) by simply attaching it:


If it failed to find the tcltk package, then you should install a new R release as described below.

If it worked and your R version is greater than 3.5.0, then you are in business. The course will be using the most recent release of R.

You can check your current R release by typing

## [1] "R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31)"

Install a new R release if necessary

To get the latest R go to and select the appropriate download for your machine. Note that tcltk needs to be part of the installation.

  • Macs: this happens automatically with the basic system; you will need to install XQuartz on your machine.

  • Windows: this also happens automatically with the basic system.

    Note however that the instructions there mention that

    • “Support Files for Package tcltk” needs to be selected from the installer.

      This seems to be the default.

  • Linux: you should be able to figure this out :-)

    • You should also install the libtk-img debian package (e.g. with sudo apt-get install libtk-img) in order to get a wide variety of export formats with the l_export function. (Tested at least on Ubuntu.)

Once the new release of R has been installed, you may want to re-install/update any R packages that you have.