UW Crowdmark FAQ

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Crowdmark has two types of assessment submission methods. With an Assigned assessment (i.e. assignment), students submit their work (PDF or image files) directly to Crowdmark. With an Administered assessment, instructors submit scanned student quiz/test/exam papers to Crowdmark.

Odyssey with the Crowdmark option handles only Administered assessments.

Crowdmark+Odyssey Exam questions

The answers in this section assume you are using Odyssey and Crowdmark together. If you are using Crowdmark without Odyssey then arrangements to print, scan and upload your exams and midterms are handled by you. UW's New Media Services can perform all three operations but you have to schedule these steps by contacting them. Odyssey does this automatically, saving you time.

Crowdmark Assignment questions

Crowdmark has two types of assessment submission methods. With an Assigned assessment, students submit their work (PDF or image files) directly to Crowdmark. With an Administered assessment, instructors submit scanned student exam papers to Crowdmark.

General questions

Paul Kates
Mathematics Faculty CTE Liaison
pkates@uwaterloo.ca, x37047, MC 3044
Last modification date: Tue Dec 31 14:46:16 2019.