DDS Users' Guide

Download and Install DDS

You can download DDS 2.0 from the following link:

Download DDS 2.0

DDS is also available on GitHub.
To cite DDS software package in your work, you can cite this paper.

To use DDS, the user can follow these steps:

  • unzip
  • run MATLAB in the directory DDS
  • run the m-file DDS_startup.m
  • (optional) run the prepared small examples DDS_example_1.m and DDS_example_2.m

There is a folder Test_Examples which contains many examples of different classes of problems handled by DDS.

Please send a message to if you have comments about the preformance or want to submit bug reports. Thank you!


Nov 10, 2020: DDS 2.0 is now available. In addition to performance improvement, many new classes have been added to version 2; including vector relative entropy, quantum relative entropy, generalized power cone, and more advanced hyperbolic programming.

Oct 28, 2019: Some bugs have been corrected in solving Hyperbolic Optimization. A funcion dual_obj_value has been added to evaluate the dual objective value of a returned vector y .