cell phone DAvid Reynolds 501-9487 Check overhead costs, i.e. where will money for banquet/lunches come from? Faye is handling this, i.e. will get the money from Fields. check out menus - make decisions for banquet - ensure correct number of participants/food. But check for breaks/coffee at short course need handouts and ballot for poster session !!! Wilma asked about coffee breaks/breakfast get memorabilia for prizes???? booklet etc... to be 'stuffed' by conference center. faculty club reserved for banquet at approx $30 per head for Friday may14 spoke to gary gjmolson@uwaterloo.ca sent email apr 13 - need menu still!!! Wilma Balvert Wilma Balvert of the UW Catering Services on this email name: Jantzi, Mary Anne department: Ron Eydt Village Residence email: majantzi@admmail.uwaterloo.ca phone: +1 519-888-4567 x5833 office: REV 110 conference center dave name: Reynolds, David E department: Housing and Residences email: dreynold@admmail.uwaterloo.ca phone: +1 519-888-4567 x3115 Alison Conway is Fields contact - send all official invitations through her; she will include the amount of support student posters: --- mark them at the sessions