Workshop in Memory of Jos Sturm Donation Information Received Thank you for your donation! It will be processed according to the information below. For questions regarding this donation or the tax receipt please contact Alison Conway, Program Manager at The Fields Institute: . A confirmation of this information has also been sent to you by e-mail. Return to workshop web page Donation Summary On Friday February 06, 2004 at 09:25 AM the following donation request was sent. Your title -> Prof. your first name -> Henry your last name -> Wolkowicz your e-mail address -> your department and institution -> Combinatorics and Optimization your street address -> University of Waterloo your city -> Waterloo your province or state -> Ontario your postal or ZIP code -> N2L 3G1 your country -> Canada your donation amount -> 65.00 your method of payment -> MasterCard your credit card expiry month -> 08 your credit card expiry year -> 2006 the name appearing on your card -> Henry wolkowicz (For security reasons, your credit card number is not displayed here). Donation tracking code: sturmdonate-1076077555-14427 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please use your browser to print this page for your records.