DANIEL and the HAT BOOK - Chapter 3

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When Daniel got home, he immediately put the hat in his closet, on the top shelf so that he would see it when he opened the closet door. He then went to sleep. In the morning, he woke up and immediately ran to get his hat. He put it on and got ready for school. He had to run to catch his bus. He ran so fast that his hat fell off. He didn't notice till he got on the bus.
He yelled to the driver - "Please stop the bus"! But the driver wouldn't listen. Daniel was very sad.
His friend, Kyle, asked why he is so sad. And Daniel told him that he has a fantastic new hat but lost it while running to the bus. "Is that the hat on your head?" said Kyle. Daniel touched his head - and yes, his hat was now on his head. He was very puzzled, but very happy. So Daniel thought --- and the words came out even though he didn't say them. They seemed to appear and disappear in his mind.

Daniel thought he would never lose the hat again - he kept it on his head the whole time and was very careful and kept his eye on the hat.

When he got to school, Kyle asked: "Daniel can I wear your hat - PLEASE?" Daniel originally thought - NO. But, then Kyle was his best friend and so he told him to watch the hat very carefully - and he gave Kyle the hat. Kyle went off to play, but then a dog (who looked like a wolf) ran by and grabbed the hat off Kyle's head.
Kyle was very sad and very worried. How was he going to tell his best friend that he lost his hat - and so quickly. He ran over to Daniel. And looked at Daniel ----- Daniel had his hat on his head!! And, Daniel was laughing. Kyle yelled - "How did you do that? That is a great trick. Please tell me how". But Daniel did not say - because he could not understand it either. The hat had suddenly appeared on his head.

Chapter 4

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