Testing the New HKM Direction on the QAP

You can get the relevant MATLAB files in this directory or by using the links below or by using the following tarfile with command tar xvf jun18tar.

To compare standard HKM direction with simplified/improved HKM direction you can use Nugent problems or randomly generated problems, e.g. use the matlab code:

n=7; % or use command: nug7; % for Nugent problem dim=7
[A, B, C] = randm(n); % randomly generated problem
[R,Z,VT,t] = mainHKM(A, B, C); % for standard HKM
[R,Z,VT,t] = IMPmainHKM(A, B, C); % for improved/simplified HKM

You will also need files Jbar.m, initial.m, G.m, left.m, right.m, M22.m, GT.m, gangster.m.

These codes do NOT emphasize efficiency but rather test accuracy and illustrate the benefits of the new direction. Do not try for more than n=8 (too slow).
Note that the accuracy is better for the simplified/improved direction.