This is a static copy of a profile report


Function details for LiveEditorEvaluationHelperESectionEvalThis is a static copy of a profile report


LiveEditorEvaluationHelperESectionEval (Calls: 1, Time: 6443.248 s)
Generated 20-Jul-2018 02:24:58 using performance time.
script in file C:\Users\yz\AppData\Local\Temp\Editor\LiveEditorEvaluationHelperESectionEval.mlx
Copy to new window for comparing multiple runs

This function changed during profiling or before generation of this report. Results may be incomplete or inaccurate.

Parents (calling functions)

Function NameFunction TypeCalls
Lines where the most time was spent
No MATLAB code to display
Children (called functions)

Function NameFunction TypeCallsTotal Time% TimeTime Plot
qap_admm_blkdiagfunction15418.606 s84.1%
get_Qfunction1566.621 s8.8%
get_QBQfunction1378.418 s5.9%
get_Bfunction159.655 s0.9%
kron_groups_simplefunction119.452 s0.3%
usejavafunction10.025 s0.0%
Self time (built-ins, overhead, etc.)  0.471 s0.0%
Totals  6443.248 s100% 
Code Analyzer results
No MATLAB code to display
Coverage results
No MATLAB code to display
Function listing
No MATLAB code to display