Workshop on

Semidefinite Programming and Interior-Point Approaches for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

The Fields Institute, Wednesday May 15- Friday May 17, 1996

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Semidefinite Programming and Interior-Point Approaches for Combinatorial Optimization Problems The Fields Institute, Wednesday May 15- Friday May 17, 1996

(Expand this form if necessary) NAME: _____________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: ______________________________________________ AFFILIATION: ______________________________________________ PRESENT POSITION: _________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: ________________________________________________ E-MAIL: ___________________________________________________ FAX: ______________________________________________________ DO YOU REQUEST FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE (answer Yes or No): for local expenses? ____________________ There will be a brief session for contributed talks. Do you wish to give a contributed talk? _____________________ If so, please provide a tentative title for the talk in the space provided: ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Please send the title and an abstract to Henry Wolkowicz (Send email to Henry.)

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