--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proceedings of the Workshop on Semidefinite Programming and Interior-Point Approaches for Combinatorial Optimization Problems FIELDS Institute (May 15-17, 1996) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Colleague, With regard to the workshop on "Semidefinite Programming and Interior-Point Approaches for Combinatorial Optimization Problems" (FIELDS Institute, May 15-17, 1996), we would like to thank everybody for making it a success. We hope that this workshop gave the opportunity to meet each other and to start collaborating work. A refereed proceedings volume of the workshop is being planned. The deadline for submitting the complete paper is Sept. 1, 1996. If you did not yet submit a paper please send it (ps file) by e-mail to hwolkowi or pardalos@ufl.edu. All participants of the workshop are encouraged to submit papers. The proceedings of the workshop will be published by the American Mathematical Society in the FIELDS Series. The AMS promotes consistency among papers within a volume and subsequently offers style files in both AMS-TeX and AMS-LaTeX which, when used in conjunction with the AMS-TeX or AMS-LaTeX macro package, will format your paper to the proper page dimensions. The style files are available free of charge from the Society's public domain archive on Internet node e-MATH. Additional information can be obtained from AMS Publication Division: Christine M. Thivierge (cxt@math.ams.org, ph. no. 401-455-4051), or Mary West at FIELDS (valeriot@fields.utoronto.ca). Since this book will be one of the first regarding semidefinite/interior-point and general continuous nonlinear programming approaches for combinatorial optimization problems, we would like to ask the authors to provide sufficient introduction on their papers. In particular, survey papers on different aspects of the workshop are welcome. Best wishes, Panos Pardalos and Henry Wolkowicz