Solving Symmetric Word Equations for Positive Definite Letters: Theory and Practice by Charles R. Johnson ABSTRACT By a symmetric word in two letters A and B we mean the juxtaposition of a finite sequence of A's and B's that reads the same right-to-left as left-to-right. We interpret A and B as independent positive definite (PD) matrices and juxtaposition as matrix multiplication. If S(A,B) is a symmetric word in two PD letters A and B, it is easily seen that P = S(A,B) is also PD. By a symmetric word equation, we mean one of the form P = S(A,B) in which P and B are given PD matrices. We discuss the solvability of symmetric word equations for a PD matrix A and describe an algorithm for solving for A. Such word equations arise in the study of a long standing problem from quantum physics, and the current work is joint with Chris Hillar (UC, Berkeley).