Friday, February 12, 2010
3:30 pm, MC 5158

Tutte Seminar Series
Combinatorics & Optimization
Winter 2010

Juan Vera
Dept. of Management Sciences, University of Waterloo

Positive Polynomials Over Equality Constrained Unbounded Sets

A simple yet powerful algebraic connection between the set of polynomials that are non-negative on a given closed domain and the set of polynomials that are non-negative on the intersection of the same domain and the zero set of a given polynomial is presented. This connection has interesting theoretical as well as algorithmic implications. It yields a succinct derivation of copositive programming reformulations for a big class of programs, generalizing Burer's copositive formulation for mixed non-convex quadratically constrained quadratic programming problems. As corollary of our main theorem we also obtain representation theorems for positive polynomials on closed sets.

This is joint work with Javier Pena and Luis Zuluaga.