Computational Discrete Optimization
CO 759, Winter 2015

HW1: Implementing Kruskal's MST algorithm

Model for the C code

Makefile -- use to build the code from seperate files
kruskal_hw.c -- main file, without the actual spanning-tree code :)
util.c -- utility routines; for now just a timing function
util.h -- header file for the utility routines

Test Graphs

These graphs were created with the edgegen routine in Concorde,
starting with geometric point sets.

g10.22.edg -- 10 nodes, 22 edges, MST = 21
g100.1012.edg -- 100 nodes, 1012 edges, MST = 671
g1000.1647.edg -- 1000 nodes, 1647 edges, MST = 20817
g10000.18780.edg -- 10000 nodes, 18780 edges, MST = 654518
g100000.168747.edg -- 100000 nodes, 168747 edges, MST = 206919060
g100000.299967.edg -- 100000 nodes, 299967 edges, MST = 204918263
g1000000.1694628.edg -- 1000000 nodes, 1694628 edges, MST = 653899944
g1000000.11869219.edg -- 1000000 nodes, 11869219 edges, MST = 647691284
g10000000.29999959.edg.gz -- 10000000 nodes, 29999959 edges, MST = 20463694352