1. Pg 17, line -3: of singular local minima
    (not nonsingular)
  2. PROB 4.2.8: There should be an extra assumption that m less than n.
  3. PROB 4.3.9: The objective function of the quadratic subproblem should read \nabla f(x)'d + ....
    The term (c-lambda*) should be (c-2lambda*), and c should be taken larger than 2lambda*.
  4. Page 432: reference [BLS93} should be [BLS83].
  5. Page 141 problem 1.7.2: raw-k = 1/(q-k)'*(p-k) {the transpose is misplaced on p instead of q}
  6. ---pp.223-224, pb 2.3.8 alpha-k = 2 instead of 1/2 ?