Supplementary Material, CO367/CM442 Winter'09

This webpage contains files used during the lectures. Additional material/links are also included. Be aware that this webpage is continually being polished/changed.

Lectures Date Subjects Covered Lecture Supplementary Material
Lectures 32-34 Mar. 23-27 Barrier and Penalty Methods log-barrier method for (P),
the quadratic penalty function method for (P)
Chapter 6 in the text (and problems at the end of the chapter)
Lectures 24-31 Mar. 9-20 Strong Duality and the KKT optimality conditions Chapter 5 in the text (and problems at the end of the chapter)
Lectures 20-23 Mar. 7 Convex Programming separating/supporting Hyperplanes
cones, polar cones
Lectures 19 Feb. 25 Questions before the midterm
Lectures 18 Feb. 23 Lagrange Multipliers Proof of the Lagrange multiplier theorem for equality constraints using the implicit function theorem; linear independence constraint qualification (CQ); comparison (example) with simplex method for linear programming
Lectures 17 Feb. 11 Least Squares Problems Least Squares Fit; Minimum Norm Solutions (underdetermined problems)
Lectures 16 Feb. 9 Trust Region Methods trust region methods (Levenberg-Marquadt); solving the trust region subproblem
Lectures 15 Feb. 6 "Good" algorithm properties beyond steepest descent; Wolfe conditions (existence theorem); start of trust region methods
Lectures 14 Feb. 4 optimtool (MATLAB)
Lectures 13 Feb. 2 Cauchy's Method of Steepest Descent Example; and Theorem of orthogonal gradients at successive steps with proof.
Lectures 10-12 Jan. 26-30 Iterative Methods Newton and Steepest Descent Methods
Lecture 9 Jan. 23 Convexity Examples of convex functions, compositions of convex functions;
start of iterative methods
Lecture 8 Jan. 21 Convexity
Supplementary notes on optimality conditions and convexity;
three characterizations of convex functions (epigraph is a convex set; tangent plane lies below graph; Hessian is positive semidefinite)
examples of convex/concave functions
Lecture 7 Jan. 19 Convexity
Supplementary notes on optimality conditions and convexity;
three characterizations of convex functions (epigraph is a convex set; tangent plane lies below graph; Hessian is positive semidefinite)
Lecture 6 Jan. 16 Convex Sets (notes); ( video lecture)
Supplementary notes on optimality conditions and convexity
convexity; convex combinations; convex hull;
MATLAB example - Newton's method
Lecture 5 Jan. 14 Unconstrained Minimization - Rn (Supplementary NOTES);
definitions of coercivity; convexity
Theorems and proofs on attainement for: (i) continuous functions on compact sets; (ii) coercive functions
examples/applications of coercivity, e.g. least squares problems for overdetermined linear equations: min ||Ax-b||2
Lecture 4 Jan. 12 Unconstrained Minimization - Rn (Supplementary NOTES);
( Complete Supplementary course notes)
definitions and characterizations of: positive (semi) definite matrices; eigenvalues and orthogonal decomposition of symmetric matrices ( supplementary notes on quadratic forms)
examples of recognizing local/global minima
Lecture 3 Jan. 7 Unconstrained Minimization - Rn (WIKI!!) Overview of WWW links to NEOS, ( WWW Form for unconstr NMTR); LP and NLP FAQs and the NEOS WIKI
minimization using matlab/plotting; file discrsimpleunc.m and resulting plot
Lecture 2 Jan. 7 Unconstrained Minimization Overview of WWW links to NEOS, LP and NLP FAQs
topology: open and closed sets; continuity
Definitions: (strict) global/local minimizers/maximizers, critical points
second derivative tests for minimizer/maximizer/saddle points
Lecture 1 Jan. 5 Introduction to Continuous Optimization The General Nonlinear Optimization Problem
Taylor Theorem; little o, big O notation in calculus;
local optimizer and critical points (Fermat Theorem);
constant, linear, quadratic functions on R;
QUESTION: Can a quadratic function be bounded below but have its minimum value unattained?