Assignments, Linear Algebra II, Winter 2008

Assignments are to be placed in the correct drop box by 9:30AM on the due date (Wed).
Student Academic Discipline Policy: Copying assignments is contrary to University policy. You must work on your assignments on your own.
(Late or misplaced assignments will not be accepted. One assignment will not be counted in the final grade.)

Drop boxes are located outside MC4066.
Section 001 - 9:30AM Drop Box #1 Slot #s 4,5,6 for A-J, K-S, T-Z, respectively.
Section 002 - 12:30PM Drop Box #3 Slot #s 4,5,6 for A-J, K-S, T-Z, respectively.

  1. Assignment 1 (pdf file)
  2. Assignment 2 (pdf file) (matlab cofactor.m file)
  3. Assignment 3 (pdf file)
  4. Assignment 4A (pdf file)
  5. Assignment 5 (pdf file)
  6. Assignment 6 (pdf file)
  7. Assignment 7 (pdf file)
  8. Assignment 8 (pdf file)
  9. Assignment 9 (pdf file) and solutions.