Class 1

  1. Introduction (Chapter 1, pgs 1-4,6,8)
    1. Mathematical Formulation: example, level sets
    2. Definitions: local and global optima
    3. Definitions: convexity
  2. Fundamentals of Unconstrained Optimization (Chapter 2 - complete chapter except for R-Rates of Convergence)
    1. Example of nonlinear least squares data fitting
    2. Definitions: gradient, Hessian, Taylor's Theorem
Class 2, C&O 466/666

Class 2

  1. Fundamentals Unconstrained Opt. cont... (Chapter 2 - complete chapter except for R-Rates of Convergence) pgs 11-17,19-24,26-29
    1. Recognizing Solutions
      1. Definitions: gradient, Hessian, Taylor's Theorem, order notation (big and little O)
      2. directional derivative, curvature, linear model, direction of steepest descent
      3. first and second order necessary optimality conditions
      4. second order sufficient optimality conditions
      5. convexity and global minimima, characterizations of convex functions
    2. Application
      1. Prove the arithmetic-geometric mean (AGM) inequality using unconstrained minimization
    Class 3, C&O 466/666

    Class 3, C&O 466/666

    1. Optimality Conditions Using Tangent Cones and Lagrange Multipliers (Section 12.3, pgs 331-342.)
      1. First order Geometric Optimality Conditions: the gradient is in the polar of the tangent cone
      2. First order Analytic Optimality Conditions: Elementary Lagrange Multiplier Theorem for equality constraints
    2. Overview of Algorithms (Chap. 3, pgs 35-40,42-53, Chap. 4, pgs 65-69)
      1. Importance of convex functions and sets for global optima
      2. line search and trust region methods
        1. line search: steepest descent, Newton's method (scale invariance)
Class 4, C&O 466/666

Class 4, C&O 466/666

  1. Overview of Algorithms continued...(( Chap. 4, pgs 65-69)
    1. trust region methods (comparisons)
    2. scaling
    3. rates of convergence
Class 5, C&O 466/666

Class 5, C&O 466/666

  1. Line Search Methods (Chapter 3), of type where pk is the search direction and alphak is the step length
    1. Step Length
      1. Wolfe conditions (geometric interpretations)
          sufficient decrease - step is not too large curvature condition - step is not too small
      2. Lemma 3.1 (existence of step lengths)
    2. Convergence of Line Search Methods
      1. Theorem 3.2 (cos(theta) geometric interpretation)
    Class 6, C&O 466/666

    Class 6, C&O 466/666

    1. Line Search Methods continued ...(Chapter 3)
      1. Example
          minimize g(x) = sumim log( e [aiTx - bi] +e [-aiTx + bi] )
          using Newton's method with backtracking. See the matlab program.
      2. Rate of Convergence
        1. Theorems 3.3,3.4 (linear convergence rate for steepest descent - dependence on condition number of Hessian)
        2. Theorem 3.5 (Dennis-More condition - quasi-Newton method Hessian approximate needs (asymptotic) convergence in search direction for superlinear convergence)
        3. Theorem 3.7 (with proof! - quadratic convergence of Newton's method near optimum.)
        Reference (for your interest only): CMP 1 789 601 (2001:03) 90C30 (65K05), Shi, Yixun(1-BLBS-CS), Globally convergent algorithms for unconstrained optimization. (English. English summary) Comput. Optim. Appl. 16 (2000), no. 3, 295--308
    Class 6b, C&O 466/666

    Class 6b, C&O 466/666

    1. (not responsible for this for exam) A Survey of the Trust Region Subproblem Within a Semidefinite Programming Framework, Seminar at University of Waterloo,
        i.e. an introduction to trust region methods; but, concentrating on duality and the trust region subproblem.
    Class 7, C&O 466/666

    Class 7, C&O 466/666

    1. Discussion of the derivative as a linear operator
    2. Line Search Methods continued ...(Chapter 3)
      1. Theorem 3.7 (with proof! - quadratic convergence of Newton's method near optimum.)
    3. Trust Region Methods (Chapter 4)
      1. basic outline,
Class 9, C&O 466/666

Class 9, C&O 466/666

  1. Conjugate Direction Methods (Chap. 5, pgs 101-110)
    1. Solving Ax=b for A pos. def. Expanding subspace Theorem 5.2 with proof.
Class 10, C&O 466/666

Class 10, C&O 466/666

  1. Conjugate Gradient Methods (Chap. 5, pgs 101-110, 120-122)
    1. Solving Ax=b for A pos. def. Practical form. Rates of convergence (clustering eigenvalues). Preconditioning.
    2. Outline of FR and PR nonlinear conjugate gradient methods
Class 11, C&O 466/666

Class 11, C&O 466/666

  1. Gauss-Newton Method (Chap. 10, pgs 251-262)
    1. Gauss-Newton method for nonlinear least squares: properties of GN direction, Theorem 10.1, convergence rate
Class 12, C&O 466/666

Class 12, C&O 466/666

  1. Nonlinear Equations (Chap. 11, pgs 276-286, 292-298, 304-310)
    1. Newton's Method, derivation using linearization, Theorem 11.2 WITH PROOF, convergence rate, Inexact Newton method, merit functions
    2. Continuation (Homotopy) methods, (general outline only)
Class 13, C&O 466/666

Class 13, C&O 466/666

  1. Theory of Constrained Optimization, (Chap. 12 - all)
    1. Definitions: constrained program, feasible set Omega, tangent cone of Omega at x, polar cone (dual cone).
    2. Geometric necessary conditions of optimality (extension of Fermat's theorem) for min f(x) x in Omega
    3. Geometric characterization of optimality for the convex case, min f(x) x in Omega , where f convex function and Omega convex set
Class 13A, C&O 466/666

Class 13A, C&O 466/666

  1. Theory of Constrained Optimization, Chap. 12, cont....
    1. Definitions: constrained program, feasible set Omega, tangent cone of Omega at x, polar cone (dual cone).
    2. Geometric necessary conditions of optimality (extension of Fermat's theorem) for min f(x) x in Omega
    3. Geometric characterization of optimality for the convex case, min f(x) x in Omega , where f convex function and Omega convex set
Class 14, C&O 466/666

Class 14, C&O 466/666

  1. Theory of Constrained Optimization, Chap. 12, cont...
    1. Definitions: local vs global minimum, smoothing problems by adding constraints, active constraints,
    2. tangent and linearizing cones and cone of gradients
    3. Lemma: K= 2nd polar of K if and only if K is a c.c.c.
    4. first and second order optimality conditions (2nd order conditions WITHOUT proofs)
    5. constraint qualifications: weakest CQ; linear independence CQ; Mangasarian-Fromovitz CQ
Class 15, C&O 466/666

Class 15, C&O 466/666

  1. Theory of Constrained Optimization, Chap. 12, cont...
    (with basic convex analysis added)
    1. Basic Hyperplane Separation Theorem (with proof)
    2. Lemma: K is a closed convex cone if and only K=K++ (for derivation of Farkas' Lemma)
    3. Linearizing Cone, Cone of Gradients, Weakest Constraint Qualification, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions
    4. Second order conditions (section 12.4 - without proofs)
Class 16, C&O 466/666

Class 16, C&O 466/666

  1. Interior-point methods for LP and SDP (Chap. 14, pgs 395-409)
    1. Detailed algorithm with an example of the SDP max-cut relaxation
    Class 17, C&O 466/666

    Class 17, C&O 466/666

    1. Theory of Constrained Optimization, Chap. 12, cont...
      (with basic convex analysis/duality )
      1. generalized Farkas' Lemma (with respect to cone ordering - with examples e.g. semidefinite programming)
      2. examples, e.g. quadratic programming
    Class 18, C&O 466/666

    Class 18, C&O 466/666

    1. Fundamentals of Algorithms, Chap. 15
      1. problem classes, pgs 421-425
      2. elimination of variables, pgs 426-428
      3. merit functions, pgs 434-437
    Class 19, C&O 466/666

    Class 19, C&O 466/666

    1. Quadratic Programming, Chap. 16
      1. Example: Portfolio Optimization, pgs 442-443
      2. Equality Constraints, pgs 443-447
      3. Inequality Constraints, pgs 453-466
      4. Duality, pgs 484-485
    Class 20, C&O 466/666

    Class 20, C&O 466/666

    1. Penalty, Barrier, and Augmented Lagrangian Methods (Chap. 17)
      1. Quadratic Penalty Method
        • pgs 492-500, i.e. description, example, algorithmic framework, Theorems 17.1 (with proof) and 17.2 (without proof) .
        • discussion on ill-conditioning on pg 499 (equations 17.15, 17.16)
      2. Outline of Logarithmic Barrier Method, Pages 500-513
    Class 21, C&O 466/666

    Class 21, C&O 466/666

    1. Logarithmic Barrier Method cont....
      1. Examples 17.2 and 17.3 in the text
      2. Algorithm Framework 17.2
      3. Handling Equality Constraints, pgs 509-510
    2. Augmented Lagrangian Methods, pgs 513-516
      1. Properties, pgs 518-521, (Theorem 17.5 with proof, Theorem 17.6)
      Class 22, C&O 466/666

      Class 22, C&O 466/666

      1. Sequential Quadratic Programming, Chap 18, pgs ?????