Assignment 8 total 35 marks Problem 1. #8 in the text total 5 marks Problem 1. #10(b) in the text total 5 marks Problem 1. #12 in the text total 5 marks Problem 1. #24 in the text total 5 marks Problem 2. total 5 marks Problem 3. total 10 marks ---------------------------------------------------------- Common problems: In question 24 from the test (if memory serves, this was 24), when having to show that A-inverse is diagonalizable, many people failed to show (or even state) that D-inverse (the diagonalization of A) is itself diagonal. In question 3 from the handout, many people failed to provide a basis for P2(R) and instead provided one for R^3. The other common issue was students failing to write down the diagonal matrix representation in their basis of eigenvectors, which was in the solutions and was totally trivial to do. ----------------------------------------------------- some students have difficulty with matrix algebra (i.e. how to apply an inverse to a product of matrices) and other small set up items (plugging into a transformation matrix).