MATH 235 - Linear Algebra 2
(fall semester 2001)

A Word about Conduct in Large Classes

This is a large class but you are not a small part of it! To make our time together as valuable as possible, we both have to work hard at it. The following basic principles may give us some guidlines.

  1. Every student has the right to learn as well as the responsibility not to deprive others of their right to learn.
  2. Every student is accountable for his or her own actions.

In order for you to get the most out of this class, please consider the following:

  1. Attend all the scheduled classes and arrive on time. Late arrivals and early departures are very disruptive and violate the first basic principle.
  2. Please do no schedule other activities during this class time. I will try to make class as interesting and informative as possible, but I can't learn the material for you.
  3. Please let me know immediately if you have a problem that is preventing you from performing satisfactorily in this class.
I am looking forward to working with you this term.

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, by Henry Wolkowicz