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Relative strength of propositional calculi

Cook and Rechkow (1974/1979) looked at the question of whether or not there exists a sound propositional calculus with an adequate set of connectives such that tautologies have polynomial length derivations, i.e., such that there is a polynomial p(x) with the property that every tautology has a derivation for which the total number of occurrences of symbols in is no more than , being the length of the string . Such a is said to be polynomially bounded. (If a polynomially bounded propositional calculus exists then TAUT is in NP, and hence NP = co-NP.) In an effort to study the above question they introduced the notion of p-simulation (polynomial time simulation). A propositional calculus p-simulates another propositional calculus if there is a polynomial time translation from formulas of to formulas of and a polynomial time algorithm to convert derivations in into derivations of the translates in . If and p-simulate each other then we say they are p-equivalent. Cook and Rechkow focused on variations of well-known propositional calculi and arrived at the following relative strength diagram (where `arrow' as well as `is in the same box' in the diagram means `p-simulates'):

The main results are:

  1. some system in a given box is polynomially bounded iff all systems in the box are polynomially bounded (for a fixed set of connectives)
  2. resolution and truth tables are not polynomially bounded.


S.A. Cook and R.A. Rechkow, On the lengths of proof in the propositional calculus, Preliminary version. Proc. Sixth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (1974), 135-148. Corrections for ``On the lengths of proofs in the propositional calculus''. SIGACT News (1974), 15-22.

S.A. Cook and R.A. Rechkow, The relative efficiency of propositional proof systems. J. Symbolic Logic 44 (1979), 36-50.

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Fri Jan 31 11:29:59 EST 1997
© Stanley Burris