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Just as unification plays a crucial role in the study of term rewrite systems (see Chapter III of LMCS), one has E-unification for work with ETRS's. Indeed the equational theorem prover EQP that William McCune used to verify the Robbin's Conjecture (discussed at the end of Chapter III of LMCS) uses AC-unification.

In the following E will denote a set of equations.

PROOF.\ (Exercise.)

One can no longer assume that an E-unifiable pair has a most general E-unifier -- this depends on the choice of E. The following situations are encountered:

  1. There is an E-unifier µ of s and t which is more general than any E-unifier of s and t.
  2. There are finitely many most general E-unifiers of s and t such that for any E-unifier of s,t some is more general than .
  3. There are infinitely many most general E-unifiers . of s and t such that for any some is more general than .
  4. There is a such that no most general unifier of s and t is more general than .

This leads to the following unification types:

Using this we can give the unification types for sets of equations E:

  1. E is if every E-unifiable s,t is unitary
  2. E is if every E-unifiable s,t is unitary or finitary, and some E-unifiable s,t is finitary.
  3. E is if every E-unifiable s,t is unitary or finitary or infinitary, and some E-unifiable s,t is infinitary.
  4. E is if some E-unifiable s,t is nullary.

Rather than working with terms modulo E one can phrase the unification types in terms of the homomorphisms between the free algebras in the variety V defined by E.

Given a term s in we will adopt the popular convention of using the same symbol s to denote the corresponding element of (which is actually a coset of terms).

The problem of determining if is the empty set, for arbitrary terms s,t, is called the unification problem for E.

This is expressed by the following diagram:

PROOF. (Exercise.)

The algebraic approach has proved most useful in determining unification types of some classical theories such as groups -- John Lawrence pointed out the importance of the Hopf and Schreier properties to establish nonnullary type, as we shall see below.

One can also view E-unification as solving equations in . Given an equation , an E-unifier of s,t gives a solution of this equation in . And every solution corresponds to an E-unifier.

Thus we can speak of the E-unification type of a single equation. The unification type of E is then the ``worst'' of the possible E-unification types of equations .

One can also generalize this to the E-unification type of a finite system of equations; and use this to define the unification type of E. This will agree with the previous type classification, provided the type is either unitary or finitary. In the examples that follow the results are the same for these two definitions of the unification type of E.

Solving a system of homogeneous linear equations over a field can be formulated in the context of E-unification. Vector spaces over can be regarded as an equational class with the usual vector space operations +,-, the constant 0, and a collection of unary operations , for , to give the scalar multiplication. We can axiomatize this equational theory by the following set E:

The E-free algebra is the familiar n-dimensional vector space over K, and the substitutions are linear maps.

A particular solution of an system of homogeneous linear equations


corresponds to a homomorphism

such that each of the left-hand sides of (1) maps to 0. A solution with parameters corresponds to a homomorphism

such that each of the left-hand sides of (1) maps to 0. and in the context of solutions with parameters we can view solutions of a system of homogeneous linear equations as E-unifiers -- the unification type is unitary, and Gaussian elimination solves the unification problem and provides a most general unifier when such exists.

However the above formulation will not suffice to discuss linear equations in general since the terms in the above language will be homogeneous, i.e., of the form . To remedy this we merely need to add constants k, for , to our language, and the following axioms to E:

In this setting the E-free algebra can be thought of as an n+1-dimensional vector-space over , using the mapping

However the homomorphisms between the free algebras of the equational class defined by E will not correspond to linear maps between the corresponding vector spaces.

A particular solution of an system of linear equations


corresponds to a homomorphism

such that each of the left-hand sides of (2) maps to 0; and a solution with parameters corresponds to a homomorphism

such that each of the left-hand sides of (2) maps to 0. Solutions with parameters correspond to E-unifiers -- and again the unification type is unitary, and Gaussian elimination solves the unification problem and provides a most general unifier when such exists.

When Plotkin originally proposed that the notion of unification be extended to E-unification in 1972 he presented the example of the associative law for a binary operation -- this of course defines semigroups.

PROOF.\ Let . Elements of the free semigroups can be conveniently thought of as strings on an alphabet, and hence we can attach a length |s| to such strings s.

For we associate a tuple of positive integers

Now we observe that for any string s from we have . Consequently, giving the coordinatewise ordering, for , (i=1,2), we have

Thus for any infinite descending sequence


there must exist an such that

Choose such that

Then for we have mapping the variables of the range of to variables (otherwise ). Such a cannot be one-to-one on the variables in the range of , for otherwise and would be equivalent under . This leads to the conclusion that the ranges of have a strictly decreasing (finite) number of variables in them. This is impossible, and hence so is the existence of an infinite sequence (3).

Thus for semigroups we see that the ``more general than'' relation on Hom( ) has the descending chain property; and thus the unification type of semigroups cannot be nullary. gif

Now we turn to an example to show that the unification type of semigroups is infinitary. Consider the equation . Clearly it can be unified; what is not so obvious is that every unifier is of the form


for some choice of string s and positive integers i,j. (This is proved below in Example 16 on groups.) Furthermore, every of the form (4,5) is a unifier. We leave it as an exercise to show that the most general unifiers of are given by (4,5) with s=z, a variable, and gcd(i,j) = 1. Consequently we have an equation whose unification type is indeed infinitary.


One of the questions posed by Plotkin in 1972 was how to deal with situations like E being defining equations for groups. In this case there is no obvious way to assign a ``length'' to elements of the free algebras with the property that substitutions are non length decreasing. (Consider the fact that a simple substitution, of for y, can reduce to e.)

The unification type of groups was not determined until 1989, when John Lawrence realized how to use some deep facts about the nature of free groups. His analysis points to the fact that the classification of the type of groups cannot, in all likelihood, be determined by a ``local'' analysis of terms; but rather one needs to know how the terms interact in a global fashion, i.e., some special properties of the free objects. Recall that the size of a set of free generators in a free group is an invariant, called the rank of the free group. (Any variety with a nontrivial finite member has such a rank function.)

Now we give Lawrence's analysis of groups.

Let be the free group freely generated by elements. Two key properties are needed:

Subgroups of finitely generated free groups are free.
Given a homomorphism , if is not one-to-one then the rank of is less than n.

Let us first use these properties to show that the unification type of is nullary.

Let be a unifier of . Then is not one-to-one, so the rank of is either 0 or 1. If it is 0 then we have the trivial unifier which maps x and y to e. If it is 1 then we have and in a cyclic subgroup of , so there is an element s of , and integers i and j, such that , .

Now we leave it as an exercise to show that the most general unifiers of are obtained by letting s be (the coset of) a variable z, and by choosing i and j to be coprime integers. Thus we have found an equation of infinitary unification type.

Thus the type of groups is either infinitary or nullary. It only remains to rule out nullary.

Now suppose we are given some finite set S of group equations, and suppose that is not a most general unifier of S. Then there is a such that . In particular we have a such that .

As is a free group of rank for some , and since , we have a and a such that

As , we have .

Now if is not a most general unifier of S, then by repeating this process one can find and such that , and the range of is the subgroup of generated by . Let be such that . Then maps the range of onto the range of , so cannot be one-to-one on the range of (otherwise we could show ). By the Hopf property it follows that .

Consequently one can only apply the ´ operation above finitely many times before reaching a most general unifier. This proves groups are not nullary, and finishes the proof that the type of groups is indeed infinitary.

Lawrence continues his work on groups to show that most general unifiers of a finite set S of group equations in the variables are in one-to-one correspondence with the the minimal normal subgroups of which identify the left and right hand sides of the various equations in S, and are such that is free. Then Lawrence applies a classical algorithm (of Nielsen) to get a set of free generators, and this gives an algorithm for generating the most general unifiers of S. (We note that the unification problem for groups is trivial -- terms can always be unified.)

An unsolved problem posed by Lawrence is the following.

Will the unification type of any finite set of group equations be either unitary or infinitary?

For any variety of Abelian groups the unification type is unitary. Albert and Lawrence have done a thorough analysis of nilpotent class c groups, for c>1. Such classes are always nullary. Furthermore any finite set of equations is either unitary or nullary, and they have found an algorithm which determines which case holds; and, if the answer is unitary, then it gives the most general unifier.

Commutative rings have been studied by computer scientists (sometimes described as algebras related to Hilbert's Tenth Problem). For commutative rings the free objects are the well-known polynomial rings:

A system of commutative ring equations can be thought of as a system of Diophantine equations, and unification is concerned with finding solutions in the above polynomial ring . This is actually present in classical number theory, for example the most general solutions of the Pythagorean equation have long been known to be the following eight:


There is a close tie between solving a set S of commutative ring equations in the integers and solving them in the polynomial ring , namely

This follows from the fact that is both a subring and a homomorphic image of the polynomial ring. Consequently the unification problem for commutative rings is precisely the problem of the solvability of Diophantine systems in the integers, known as Hilbert's Tenth problem. Matijasevic, building on the work of Davis, Putnam, and Robinson, proved that there is no algorithm to determine if a finite system of Diophantine equations can be solved in the integers. Consequently the unification problem for commutative rings is undecidable.

We do not know the exact unification of type of commutative rings, but we have narrowed it down:

To see this we will show that the Pell equation


is infinitary. First we know that (a,b) is a solution in integers iff

for some integer n. Thus there are an infinite number of constant solutions to (6). We will show that there are no other solutions in , and then it follows that the constant solutions are all most general, so the type of (6) is indeed infinitary.

If there is a nonconstant solution of (6) then there is a nonconstant solution in only one variable. Now the sequence

has polynomially bounded growth, and it is eventually strictly increasing. But then it must eventually be a subsequence of . This is impossible.

Is the unification type of commutative rings infinitary? (I.e., does every solution of a finite set of Diophantine equations come from a most general solution?)


Let E be a set of equational axioms for Boolean algebras. In 1987 Büttner & Simonis proved that the unification type of E is unitary. To see this let s,t be E-unifiable terms, and let be a fixed E-unifier of s,t. Then we claim that the most general E-unifier of s,t is given by

where + is the usual ``symmetric difference'' of Boolean algebras, since one has

  1. , and
  2. for we have .


In 1990 Nipkow published a proof that the variety determined by a primal algebra has unitary unification type. Such varieties are special cases of discriminator varieties. For definitions, examples, and a proof that discriminator varieties have unitary unification type see [].

A short table of some of the more popular sets of equationally defined classes follows, with their types (if known):

Other recent results include



M.H. Albert and R.W. Willard, Classification of the unification type of two element algebras. (in preparation)

Franz Baader and Jörg Siekmann, Unification theory. To appear in D.M. Gabbay, C.J. Hogger, and J.A. Robinson (ed.) Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming, Oxford University Press.

W.W. Bledsoe and D.W. Loveland, editors, Automated Theorem Proving after 25 Years. Contemporary Math. 29, Amer. Math. Soc., 1983.

Stephen L. Bloom and Ralph Tindell, Varieties of ``if-then-else''. Siam J. Comput. 12 (1983), 677-707.

Ronald V. Book, Thue systems as rewriting systems. J. Symbolic Computation 3 (1987), 39-68.

S. Burris and J. Lawrence, Unification in commutative rings is not finitary. Information Processing Letters 36 (1990), 37-38.

S. Burris, Discriminator varieties and symbolic computation. J. Symbolic Computation 13 (1992), 175-207.

J. Lawrence, Unification in classical algebraic systems. (in preparation)

J. Lawrence, Unification in varieties of groups. (in preparation)

J.H. Siekmann, Unification theory. J. Symbolic Computation 7 (1989), 207-274.

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Fri Jan 31 11:45:40 EST 1997
© Stanley Burris