Errata to "Number Theoretic Density and Logical Limit Laws"

Any errors (or significant refinements) that I find, or that are brought to my attention, will be posted on this webpage.

March 13, 2001:

page 95, first line: change < to \leq

page 120, 2nd displayed equation in the middle of the page: delete the \tilde{S} at the end.

Addendum to Chapter 9: Local asymptotic density implies discrete. [ PDF ] [ PS ]

July 17, 2001:

pages 210-211: In formula (11.21.1) and in six places in Lemma 11.22 one finds


the exponential of S(x).

All seven of these e^(S(x)) should be just S(x).

[One can download pages 210-211 with these changes: [ PDF ] [ PS ]]

The Perron formula and the revised Lemma 11.22 are used correctly in the subsequent pages.