A Short, Selective Mobius Guide


What is Mobius?

Mobius is a STEM-focused, course-based, online software system that lets authors and instructors create interactive learning and assessment materials.

A typical course will have students learn from narrated lectures sprinkled with live, self-check questions, interact with applets for visualization and experimentation and assess themselves with quizzes.

Mobius also offers a number of management features: course instructors and student rosters, course gradebooks and IMS LTI connections to other Learning Management Systems eg UW's LEARN system.

Mobius uses MathJax software for producing content with quality-looking mathematics notation. Underlying Mobius are Maplesoft's computer algebra system Maple and the assessment system MapleTA giving Mobius a capable assessment system able to recognize not only mathematically equivalent answers but also non-unique answers that can be checked for requested mathematical properties.

The purpose of this guide is to help instructors learn Mobius as quickly as possible.

UWaterloo Open Mobius courses

The following web sites are public, free, non-credit courses built with Mobius at UWaterloo. They illustrate lessons, assignments (quizzes) and interactions with students:

UWaterloo uses Mobius in many large first and second year STEM courses. Among the nearly 100 Mobius courses in 2019 are CHEM 120, 123, 140, 220, 254, 262; PHYS 111, 112; BIOL 273, 303; MATH 127, 128, 228; STAT 202, 230, 231, 340; ACTSC 231, 331, 372; AMATH 250; CO 250; CHE 101, 102; CIVE 123; EARTH 238; ECON 101; GENE 123; ME 212; MTE 120, 203, 204; NE 121, 222L.

Examples of question types within lessons for student self-checks, feedback and practice

Note the use of headings, images and question layout in the examples that follow.

Question Types

Summary below (more details).

Question attributes of note:

Assignment Types

Summary below (more details).

Mobius Help Pages

Overview of the DigitalEd instructor help pages:

Chapter sections to look through:


MathJax Extras



Paul Kates
Mathematics Faculty CTE Liaison
pkates@uwaterloo.ca, x37047

Updated: Fri May 1 01:38:18 2020.