UW Learning Initiatives Fund - 2005/06

$5,000 - $15,000
April 7 - May6, 2005
  Request for Proposals
  UW Learning Initiatives Fund - 2005/06
  Proposals are requested from faculty, departments and schools to
  enhance current learning outcomes in UW undergraduate courses through
  changes in instructional methods, learning resources, and curricula.
  Proposals are due by May 6, and results will be announced by May 20.
  Funding support of $5,000 to $15,000 will be available for projects as
  of June 1, 2005.

Details available at http://www.learning.uwaterloo.ca/LIF/

  If you have a copy of the above web site or a flyer mentioning project
  funding ammounts of $5K-$20K, please note that the amounts have been
  modified to $5K-$15K.