PMATH 764: Algebraic curves

PMATH 764: Algebraic curves

Lectures: MWF 9:30-10:20 (MC 4041).
Office hours: T 10:00--12:00 and Th 15:00--17:00.
Course information: Outline.
Course web page: https//
Course description: An introduction to the geometry of algebraic curves with applications to elliptic curves and computational algebraic geometry. Plane curves, affine varieties, the group law on the cubic, and applications.
Objectives: This course is in fact an introduction to algebraic geometry through the theory of algebraic curves. The main objective of the course is to present some of the basic concepts and techniques of algebraic geometry, with an emphasis on how these specialise to algebraic curves.
Outline of topics:
PMATH 345 -- Polynomials, rings and finite fields or PMATH 347 -- Groups and Rings (or the equivalent).