# jemdoc: menu{MENU}{family.html},title{Stories}, showsource, analytics{UA-64995133-1} = My Stories ~~~ Having an artistic math student is a great! [img{800}{}{portrait} image/portraitbystudent.jpg] Class Photo, ACTSC 372 2019, Waterloo [img{800}{}{Actsc372F19} image/actsc372f19.jpg] Class Photo, ACTSC 621 Winter 2019, Waterloo [img{800}{}{Actsc621W19} image/actsc621w19.jpg] Class Photo, ACTSC 372 Fall 2018, Waterloo [img{800}{}{Actsc372F18} image/actsc372f18.jpg] Class Photo, ACTSC 372 Winter 2018, Waterloo [img{800}{}{Actsc372W18} image/actsc372w18.jpg] Class Photo, ACTSC 372 Winter 2017, Waterloo [img{800}{}{Actsc372W17} image/actsc372w17.jpg] My advisors and colleagues are my dear friends! (ISMP 2015, Pittsburgh) [img{800}{}{ISMP2015} image/ISMP2015_friends.jpg] Conferences are much more enjoyable when loved ones are participating too! (ISMP 2015, Pittsburgh) [img{800}{}{ISMP2015} image/ISMP2015_wife.jpg] Love at the peak (Hong Kong, summer 2014) [img{800}{}{HongKong Peak} image/HongKong_wife.jpg] Canadians, eh? (Algonquin Provincial Park, Oct 2013) [img{800}{}{Algonquin} image/Algonquin_wife.jpg] My lovely family (Thousand Islands, 2012) [img{800}{}{Love forever} image/ThousandIsland_family.jpg] An end is just a new beginning! (Undergraduate Convocation, 2010) [img{800}{}{Convocation} image/Convocation_2010.jpg] ~~~