# jemdoc: menu{MENU}{experience.html},title{Experience}, showsource, analytics{UA-64995133-1} = Professional Experience {{
}} ~~~ {}{img_left}{image/Logo_SOA.jpg}{Society of Actuaries}{191}{117} *[https://www.soa.org/ Society of Actuaries]* - *Associate of the Society of Actuaries (ASA)*, Jul. 2013 - present ~~~ ~~~ {}{img_left}{image/Logo_HKUST.gif}{HKUST}{191}{100} *[http://www.ust.hk/ The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology]* - *Visiting Internship Postgraduate Student* \n [http://www1.ielm.ust.hk/ Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management], Summer 2014\n Advisor: [https://www.cb.cityu.edu.hk/staff/jeffhong/ Dr. Jeff Hong] \n Researched robust optimization under statistical estimation error.\n Developed iterative statistical estimation scheme guided by linear programming. ~~~ ~~~ {}{img_left}{image/Logo_AXIS.jpg}{Axis Capital Holdings Limited}{191}{100} *[http://www.axiscapital.com/ AXIS Capital Holdings Limited]* - *Actuarial Intern*\n [http://www.axiscapital.com/en-us/reinsurance AXIS Re], Summer 2012\n #Supervisor: [https://www.linkedin.com/pub/pete-martin/7/166/a30 Dr. Peter Martin]\n Coded multiple linear regression and statistical tools in SQL. \n Developed large-scale portfolio optimization tool in SQL and VBA. ~~~ {{