
  1. I. Kareva, K.P. Wilkie, and P. Hahnfeldt, The Power of the Tumor Microenvironment: A Systemic Approach for a Systemic Disease, to appear in Mathematical Oncology [Eds. A. D’Onofrio and A. Gandolfi], Birkhäuser Basel, 2014 (in Press).
  2. N. Almog, C. Briggs, A. Beheshti, L. Ma, K.P. Wilkie, R. Rietman, and L. Hlatky, Transcriptional Changes Induced by the Tumor Dormancy-Associated MicroRNA-190, Transcription, 4:4, 177–191, 2013.
  3. K.P. Wilkie and P. Hahnfeldt, Mathematical Models of Immune-Induced Cancer Dormancy and the Emergence of Immune Evasion, Interface Focus, 3:4, 20130010, doi:10.1098/rsfs.2013.0010, 2013.
  4. K.P. Wilkie and P. Hahnfeldt, Tumor-Immune Dynamics Regulated in the Microenvironment Inform the Transient Nature of Immune-Induced Tumor Dormancy. Cancer Res, 73:12, 3534–3544, 2013.
  5. Kathleen Wilkie, A Review of Mathematical Models of Cancer-Immune Interactions in the Context of Tumor Dormancy. In Systems Biology of Tumor Dormancy [Eds. Enderling, Almog, Hlatky] and Adv Exp Med Biol 734, 201-34, doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-1445-2_10, 2013.
  6. Kathleen P. Wilkie, Corina S. Drapaca, and Sivabal Sivaloganathan, A Mathematical Investigation of the Role of Intracranial Pressure Pulsations and Small Gradients in the Pathogenesis of Hydrocephalus. Int J Numer Anal Model B, 3:1, 36-51, 2012.
  7. Kathleen Wilkie, Gurjit Nagra, and Miles Johnston, A Mathematical Analysis of Physiological and Molecular Mechanisms that Modulate Pressure Gradients and Facilitate Ventricular Expansion in Hydrocephalus . Int J Numer Anal Model B, 3:1, 65-81, 2012.
  8. K.P. Wilkie, C.S. Drapaca, and S. Sivaloganathan, Aging Impact on Brain Biomechanics with Applications to Hydrocephalus. Math Med Biol, 29:2, 145-161, 2012.
  9. K.P. Wilkie, C.S. Drapaca, and S. Sivaloganathan, A Nonlinear Viscoelastic Fractional Derivative Model of Infant Hydrocephalus. Appl Math Comput, 217:21, 8693-8704, 2011.
  10. K.P. Wilkie, C.S. Drapaca, and S. Sivaloganathan, A Theoretical Study of the Effect of Intraventricular Pulsations on the Pathogenesis of Hydrocephalus. Appl Math Comput, 215:9, 3181-3191, 2010.
  11. Christina Boucher and Kathleen Wilkie, Why Large Closest String Instances are Easy to Solve in Practice. In Proceedings of SPIRE, 106-117, 2010.
  12. K.P. Wilkie and E.R. Vrscay, Mutual Information-Based Methods to Improve Local Region-of-Interest Image Registration. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proc. ICIAR, 3656, 2005.
  13. Lamb, Kevin G. and Wilkie, Kathleen P., Conjugate Flows for Waves with Trapped Cores. Phys Fluids, 16:12, 4685-4695, 2004.

In Preparation

  1. K.P. Wilkie and P. Hahnfeldt, Modeling the Dichotomy of the Immune Response to Cancer: Cytotoxic Effects and Tumor-Promoting Inflammation, arXiv:1305.3634 [q-bio.CB].

Conferences and Workshops

  1. ICBP's Junior Investigators Meeting, to occur, 2014. [Co-Chair]
  2. ICBP's Junior Investigators Meeting, Bethesda, Maryland, November 13-15, 2013. [Co-Chair]
  3. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, Feb 14-18, 2013. [Invited Symposium Speaker]
  4. The Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting and Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, July 25-28, 2012. [Minisymposium Organizer and Speaker]
  5. SIAM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 9-13, 2012. [Invited Minisymposium Speaker]
  6. Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Annual Meeting, CAIMS 2012, Hosted by the Fields Institute, Toronto, June 24-28, 2012. [Invited Minisymposium Speaker]
  7. Workshop on Mathematical Oncology IV: Integrative Cancer Biology, Center for Mathematical Medicine, Fields Institute, Toronto, March 29-31, 2012. [Invited Speaker, slides and audio]
  8. Workshop on Systems Biology of Tumor Dormancy, Center of Cancer Systems Biology, Boston, July 25-28 2011. [Invited Speaker]
  9. ECMTB and Annual meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology, Krakow, June 28-July 2, 2011 [poster abstract]
  10. Brain Neuromechanics Workshop, Centre for Mathematical Medicine, Fields Institute, Toronto, July 26-28 2010. [Invited Speaker, slides and audio]
  11. 16th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics USNCTAM 2010, Penn State, State College, Pa, USA, June 27-July2, 2010. [presentation, Extended abstract]
  12. Math-in-Medicine Study Group OCCAM-Fields-MITACS Biomedical Problems Solving Workshop, Toronto, June 2009. [Report]
  13. Society for Mathematical Biology Conference, Toronto, July 30-Aug 2, 2008. [presentation, Abstract]
  14. Workshop on Brain Biomechanics: Mathematical Modelling of Hydrocephalus and Syringomyelia, Centre for Mathematical Medicine, Fields Institute, Toronto, July 27 2007. [Invited speaker, slides and audio]