
A search and rescue department needs to compute a flight profile and camera pointing sequence to reconnoitre a given area without gaps in the coverage. Develop a model for generating the optimal search strategy for a remotely piloted (or pilotless) vehicle.


There may be various way to model this problem. However, the appraoch that we are using used the models we've learned during the class. We model this problem by broken it down into two subproblems. The searched area is divided into smaller areas and each area is numbered accordingly. Then it will be modelled as a set covering problem. The objective is to find which area the plane should be in order to cover the whole area. Then, we model it as a transportation problem and find the best route to travel across those optimal points.



  1. Set Covering Example
  2. Transportation Example
  3. Core Problem



There are some limitation to our model:

Avenues for Further Study

  1. We can extend our model to figures like below and we need to set constraints for each area. The principle behind is the same.
  2. We can model the problem to consider the camera pointing sequence. For instance, the camera can only point forward or backward. So, we need to add an additional binary variables like Yi = 1 if the camera is pointing forward and set constraints according to the camera pointing direction


Related Sites...

Set Covering Problem  

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NASA Success Story: Flight Planning  

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