\documentclass{slides} \pagestyle{plain} \newcommand{\F}{\cal F} \newcommand{\p}{{\cal P}} \newcommand{\Kprod}{\otimes} \newcommand{\Diag}{\rm Diag\,} \newcommand{\Sn}{{\cal S}^n} \newcommand{\tran}{^T} \newcommand{\diag}{\rm diag\,} \newcommand{\tr}{\rm trace\,} \newcommand{\trace}{\rm trace\,} \newcommand{\beq}{\begin{equation}} \def\QED{~\rule[-1pt] {8pt}{8pt}\par\medskip ~~} \begin{document} %======================= %======================= \begin{slide}{} \begin{center} {\bf Semidefinite Relaxations for Hard Combinatorial Problems } \end{center} ~~\\ ~~\\ ~~\\ ~~\\ ~~\\ ~~\\ Henry Wolkowicz \\ University of Waterloo\\ ~\\ ~\\ \end{slide} \begin{slide}{} \begin{center} OUTLINE \end{center} Introduction to SDP (duality, algorithms) Max-Cut Problem instance - via Lagrangian duality then G-W approach and also Nesterov (Ye?) results; PRW equivalences; valid inequalities; algorithms large scale results Other instances e.g. QAP, based on QQP model and Lagr relax recipe (paradigm), algorithm based on dual problem. \end{slide} \begin{slide}{} \begin{center} INTRODUCTION \end{center} Semidefinite programming (denoted SDP) is an extension of linear programming (LP), e.g. an (linear) SDP is: \[ (P)\quad \begin{array}{rc} \mu^*:= \min & C \bullet X \\ \mbox{s.t.} & {\cal A}X = b \\ & X \succeq 0, \end{array} \] $C,X \in \Sn$, space of symmetric $n \times n$ matrices; inner product $C \bullet X = \tr CX;$ $A\succeq B$ if $A-B \succeq 0$ positive semidefinite \[ {\cal A} :\Sn \rightarrow \Re^m \] is a linear operator, i.e. $({\cal A}X)_i =\tr (A_iX),$ for given $A_i \in \Sn,~i=1, \ldots m.$ \end{slide} \begin{slide}{} SDP is a special case of the cone programming problem \[ \begin{array}{cc} \min & f(x) \\ \mbox{s.t.} & g(x) \succeq_K 0, \end{array} \] $f,g$ are appropriate functions $K$ is a convex cone $g(x) \succeq_K 0$ is cone partial order, $g(x) \in K.$ very general mathematical program e.g. standard equality and inequality constraints when $K= \Re^n_+ \otimes \Sn_+ \otimes \{0\}.$ \end{slide} \begin{slide}{} \begin{center} {GEOMETRY} \end{center} Much of the elegant geometry of polyhedral sets developed for LP can be extended to SDP. (e.g. Bohnenblust 1948, Barkey and Carlson 1975 and more recently Lewis and also Pataki) similarities to LP:\\ {\em self-polar} \[ \p = \p^+:= \left\{Y: X \cdot Y \geq 0, \forall X \in \p \right\}; \] {\em homogeneous}\\ for any $X,Y \in \mbox{int}(\p)$, there exists an invertible linear operator $\cal A$ that leaves $\p$ invariant and ${\cal A}(X)=Y.$ \end{slide} \begin{slide}{} {\em faces} \[ {\cal F} = \left\{Y: {\cal N}(Y) \supset {\cal N}(X) \right\} \quad X \in \mbox{ relint } {\cal F} \] faces are {\em exposed}\\ ${\cal F} = \p \cap \phi^{\perp}$, where $\phi \in \p \cap {\cal F}^{\perp}$ {\em conjugate face}, (Here $\cdot{\perp}$ denote orthogonal complement.) But\\ $\cal F$, $\p + {\cal F}^{\perp}$ is always closed $\p + \mbox{span}({\cal F})$ is never closed. \end{slide} \begin{slide}{} \begin{center} {Duality Theory and Optimality Conditions} \end{center} Extenstions from LP to SDP, e.g. Bellman and Fan 1963, but strong duality theorems require a Slater-type constraint qualification (strict feasibility). Modified optimality conditions without CQ??? \end{slide} \begin{slide}{} weak duality (using hidden constraints) \begin{eqnarray*} \mu^* &=& \min\limits_{X\succeq 0} \max_y C \cdot X + y^T(b-{\cal A}X)\\ &\leq& \max_y \min\limits_{X\succeq 0} y^Tb +\left(C - {\cal A}^*y\right) \cdot X\\ &=& \nu^*, \end{eqnarray*} ${\cal A}^*$ adjoint operator of ${\cal A}$\\ dual program \[ (D)\qquad \begin{array}{rc} \nu^*:= \max \mbox{s.t.} & {\cal A}^*y \preceq C \\ \end{array} \] \end{slide} \begin{slide}{} If a strictly feasible solution exists for the primal (dual, respectively) then there is a zero duality gap, $\mu^*=\nu^*$, and the dual (primal, repectively) is attained. If the Slater constraint qualification fails, then one can work with the minimal cones and obtain characterizations of optimality and strong duality theorems, see \cite{bw2}. (For (PSDP) this is the minimal face of $\p$ containing the feasible set. For (DSDP) this is the minimal face of $\p$ which contains $C-{\cal A}^*{\cal F},$ where $cal F$ denotes the feasible set.) One can also obtain a strong dual program whose size is polynomial in the data of the original problem \cite{Ram:95}. The relation between these duals is given in \cite{RaTuWo:95}. The duality theory gives rise to the characterization of optimality \begin{equation} \label{eq:optcond} \begin{array}{cccc} {\cal A}^{*}y +Z - C &=& 0 & \mbox{dual feasibility} \\ b - {\cal A}(X) &=& 0 & \mbox{primal feasibility} \\ ZX &=& 0 & \mbox{complementary slackness} \\ Z,X \succeq 0. \end{array} \end{equation} We call $X,(y,Z)$ a primal-dual optimal pair. $Z$ is the (dual) slack variable. First and second order optimality conditions for general cone programming are given in e.g. Shapiro \cite{Shap:94b,Shapiro:99}. {Degeneracy} Nondegeneracy and strict complementarity do not directly follow through from LP to SDP. $x$ is nondegenerate implies dual optimal face is a singleton (dual solution is unique) refs Shapiro ... A theorem of Goldman and Tucker shows that every (finite optimal valued) LP has an optimal primal-dual pair that satisfies strict complementarity. For SDP this translates to $Z+X \succ 0.$ However, this result fail to hold for SDP. Furthermore, the formulation of nondegeneracy conditions requires study of the geometry of the semidefinite cone $\p$. The boundary of $\p$, like that of $\Re^n_+$, is composed of smooth pieces, but the pieces are nonlinear. This topic is studied in \cite{AlHaOv:95}; generic results for nondegeneracy are given in \cite{PatTun:97}. {Complexity} SDP are convex programs and fall into the class of problems that can be approximately solved in polynomial time. The complexity is based on self-concordant barriers for the cone $\p.$ The smallest (best) barrier parameter is given in \cite{GulerTuncel:98}. The complexity of determining the (exact) feasibility of a system of linear matrix inequalities is discussed in \cite{PorkKhach:95,Ram:93}. \end{slide} \begin{slide}{} \begin{center} {ALGORITHMS} \end{center} No successful simplex type methods are available for SDP. {Interior-Point Algorithms} The SDP research is highlighted by the elegant primal-dual interior-point algorithms. As mentioned in the preface, the p-d i-p approach has revolutionized the way we think about optimization problems. Interior-point methods provide polynomial time algorithms for linear programming. In addition, the p-d i-p algorithms have proven to be enormously successful in solving large scale LP models that arise from real life problems. And, we can safely say that it is because of this change that we can now regularly solve LPs with millions of variables, e.g. \cite{int:Lustig:94}. The work in \cite{int:Nesterov5} shows that $\log \det (X)$ is a self-concordant barrier function for SDP. Thus SDP can be solved in polynomial time using a sequence of barrier subproblems. Alizadeh \cite{Al:94} presented a transparent approach to extend potential function methods from LP to SDP. Simultaneously, strong numerical results for SDP and the special case of the min-max eigenvalue problem appeared in e.g. \cite{HeReVaWo:93} and \cite{Jarr:93}. This started a flood of results in SDP from researchers in LP. The most popular methods are the p-d i-p methods. These are based on applying Newton's method to solving the optimality conditions from the barrier problems, i.e. the perturbed optimality conditions \begin{equation} \label{eq:optcondpert} \begin{array}{ccc} Z + C - {\cal A}^{*}y &=& 0, \label{dfeas} \\ b - {\cal A}(X) &=& 0, \label{pfeas} \\ X - \mu Z^{-1} &=& 0. \label{compslack} \end{array} \end{equation} As in LP, the last equation can be written in many ways, e.g. \begin{equation} \label{eq:zx} ZX=0. \end{equation} Different choices give rise to different search directions. However, unlike LP, choices like (\ref{eq:zx}) result in (\ref{eq:optcondpert}) being an overdetermined system of nonlinear equations. There are many ways to overcome this problem, e.g. solve this using Gauss-Newton approach not yet efficient or use various symmetrization techniques (\cite{Monteir???} e.g. AHO direction. As in LP, the methods can be classified as potential reduction, p-d i-p, predictor-corrector etc... path following. This is still an active area of research in particular for the large sparse problems. {Bundle Trust Algorithms} However, there are bundle trust methods ...???? {Large Sparse Case} \end{slide} \begin{slide}{} {SDP Relaxation for Max-Cut Problem} The success and popularity of SDP is exemplified by the results of the relaxation for the max-cut problem. Let $G=(V,E)$ be an undirected graph with edge set $V = \{v_i\}_{i=1}^n$ and weights $w_{ij}$ on the edges $(v_i,v_j) \in E$. We want to find the index set ${\cal I} \subset \{1,2, \ldots n\},$ to maximize the weight of the edges with one end point with index in ${\cal I}$ and the other in the complement. This is equivalent to \[ (MC)~~~ \begin{array}{c} mc^*:=\max ~ \frac 12 \sum_{i