Title of presentation:

A Stable Iterative Method for Linear Programming

at seminar for Computational Mathematics at the University of Waterloo authors: Maria Gonzalez-Lima \thanks{Research supported by Universidad Sim\'on Bol\'{\i}var and Conicit (project G97000592), Venezuela. E-mail {mgl@cesma.usb.ve} } \and Hua Wei\thanks{ Research supported by The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Bell Canada. E-mail h3wei@math.uwaterloo.ca} \and \href{http://orion.math.uwaterloo.ca/~hwolkowi/}{Henry Wolkowicz} \thanks{Research supported by The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. E-mail {hwolkowicz@uwaterloo.ca}

We present a new primal-dual interior/exterior-point method for linear programming. We use a simple preprocessing step to eliminate both the primal and dual feasibility equations. We then apply an iterative method, within an inexact Newton framework, directly on the linearized equations. We present numerical examples where roundoff error causes problems for the Normal Equation approach. The numerical tests show that our method takes direct advantage of sparsity and stability of the data.