readme file for sdTestsStefan --------------------------------- --------------------------------- freduce - performs one step of facial reduction given a matrix V with columns forming the basis for null(Exp), where Exp is an exposing vector genBlockHard - modification of Wei-Wolkowicz code for generating problems of arbitrary singularity degree IPmaxdetGN - main workhorse of our algorithm, Gauss-Newton path following MakeProblemLevent - creates problems of arbitrary singularity degree by modifying Levent's example MakeProblemTanigawa - creates the cycle completion problem with singularity degree >= 2 according to Tanigawa's example matrix2latex - converts matrix into latex table (from internet) precon - preconditioning routing that identifies exposing vectors in Ax=b runbasic - main script to run algorithm ssMat, ssvec, vec - implementations of sMat, svec, and vec