This directory contains (gzipped) preprints of manuscripts by Henry Wolkowicz. The link to this directory is: or The file ABSTRACTS.html contains details describing each preprint, including an abstract of the contents. The file publs.bib contains a list of publications and research reports. There are several other *.bib and *.bbl files. The file publs.html contains the results of a MathSciNet search. All the files with a ".ps.gz" extension are gzipped postscript and, after gunzip, can be directly printed on a postscript printer. The files relating to the QAP workshop are in the directory pub/henry/qap This includes (gzipped) files for the survey paper, a bibliography file, a table of contents file, and a preface file. Software is in the directory pub/henry/software while software written in matlab is in the directory pub/henry/matlab Prof. Henry Wolkowicz Department of Combinatorics and Optimization; Faculty of Math.; Univ. of Waterloo; Waterloo, Ont., Canada N2L 3G1 e-mail:; URL: