C&O 355: A Puzzle!


There are n students in a classroom. Every two students are either enemies or friends. The teacher wants to divide the students into two groups to work on a project while he leaves the classroom. Unfortunately, putting two enemies in the same group will likely to lead to bloodshed. So the teacher would like to partition the students into two groups in a way that maximizes the number of enemies that belong to different groups.


Input Data

We have n=750. This text file contains the data about which two students are enemies or friends. The data file describes an nxn matrix, where the ith row is written in the ith line of the file. Each line consists of a sequence of n 0’s or 1’s separated by a single space. If the (i,j) entry of the matrix is a 1 then person i and person j are enemies. If it is a 0 then they are friends.



-       Try to find a partitioning for which the number of enemies that belong to different groups is large.

-       Better yet, let OPT denote the number of enemies in different groups in the best possible partitioning. Try to find an interval [x,y] for which you can guarantee that OPT lies in that interval. The interval should be as small as possible.