import scipy from scipy import linalg import numpy # la,v = linalg.eigh( A) # v0 = v[:,0] # first eigenvector def partn( rls, eps): dc={rls[0]:[0]} keys=[rls[0]] for i in [1..len(rls)-1]: x = rls[i] key_exists = False for j in [0..len(keys)-1]: if abs( x-keys[j] ) < eps: key_exists = True dc[keys[j]] += [i] break if not key_exists: dc[x] = [i] keys += [x] return dc def spcdec( A): eps = 1e-6 n = A.nrows() la, v = linalg.eigh(A) dc = partn( la, eps) evals = dc.keys() Es = [] vmat = Matrix(v) for ev in dc.keys(): E = zero_matrix(RDF,n,n) for ind in dc[ev]: E += vmat[:,ind]*vmat[:,ind].T Es += [(ev, E)] return Es # use M.apply_map(lambda x: round(x,6)) to zero out entries of M that are nearly zero # compute entropy of a probability density given as a non-negative vector whose # entries sum to 1 def entropy( pv): return -sum([ vv* log(vv) for vv in pv if vv != 0]) # M had better be stochastic! def matrix_entropy( M): return sum([entropy(vv) for vv in M]) # this returns a function whose value at t is exp(I*t*A) def transmat( sp): return lambda t: sum([numpy.exp(I*t*it[0])*it[1] for it in sp]) # this returns a function whose value at t is the a-row/col of exp(I*t*A) - don't need it though! def transmat_col( sp, a): return lambda t: sum([numpy.exp(I*t*it[0])*it[1][a] for it in sp]) # this returns a function whose value at t is the ab-entry of exp(I*t*A) def transmat_entry( sp, a, b): return lambda t: sum([numpy.exp(I*t*it[0])*it[1][a][b] for it in sp]) # get function whose value at time t is U(t) \circ U(-t) def stateprob( sp): return lambda t: sum([numpy.exp(I*t*it[0])*it[1] for it in sp]).apply_map(norm) # this returns a function whose value at t is the i-th row/column? of the # Schur product of exp(I*t*A) and exp(-I*t*A) def stateprob_row( sp, a): return lambda t: map( norm, sum([numpy.exp(I*t*it[0])*it[1][a] for it in sp])) def stateprob_entry( sp, a,b): return lambda t: norm( sum([numpy.exp(I*t*it[0])*it[1][a][b] for it in sp])) # entropy of a row, normalized to a max of 1 def entropy_row( sp, a): nn = sp[0][1].nrows() return lambda t: entropy( map( norm, sum([numpy.exp(I*t*it[0])*it[1][a] for it in sp])))/log(float(nn)) # returns the sum of the Schur squares of the idempotents def avg( sp): return sum([it[1].elementwise_product(it[1]) for it in sp]) def abs_sum( sp): return sum([it[1].apply_map(lambda x: abs(x)) for it in sp]) # compute \sum_r E_rDE_r for density matrix D def av_state(density, sp): return sum([it[1]*density*it[1] for it in sp]) # average state of a vertex - D = e_ae_a^T def av_vstate(vx, sp): n = len(sp) vc = vector(n*[0]) vc[ vx] = 1 return sum(it[1]*vc.outer_product(it[1]*vc) for it in sp) def av_vxstate(vx, sp): return sum( it[1][vx].outer_product(it[1][vx]) for it in sp) def mixmat( grf): return avg(spcdec( def parplot(sp,a,b,t0,t1, pltpts=None): if pltpts==None: pltpts = max(1000,10*t1) t=var('t') return parametric_plot( (transmat_entry(sp,a,b)(t).real(), transmat_entry(sp,a,b)(t).imag()), (t,t0,t1),\ plot_points=pltpts) # Von Neumann entropy - doesn't work well on the empty graph def vne( grf): e = grf.num_edges() L = (1/(2*e))*grf.laplacian_matrix() evs = L.eigenvalues() return sum([-it*log_b(it,2) for it in evs if it != 0]) def ev_supp(grf, vx): gp = grf.charpoly() h = grf.copy() h.delete_vertex(vx) return (gp/gp.gcd(h.charpoly())).factor()