#file Hodgkin_Huxley.ode #Hodgkin-Huxley model of excitable barnacle muscle fiber #reviewed in Rinzel (1990) Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 52 pp. 5-23. #Figure 1.9 and problem 8.6.4 par E_N=55 par E_K=-72 par g_N_bar=120.0 par g_K_bar=36.0 par g_leak=0.30 par E_leak=-49.0 par C_M=1.0 #model equations V' = (- I_N - I_K - I_leak - Istim)/C_M m_inf = (0.10*(V+35)/(1.0 - exp(-(V+35)/10.0)))/((0.10*(V+35)/(1.0 - exp(-(V+35)/10.0)))+(4.0*exp( -(V+60)/18.0))) t_m = 1.0/((0.10*(V+35)/(1.0 - exp(-(V+35)/10.0)))+(4.0*exp( -(V+60)/18.0))) m' = (m_inf - m)/t_m h_inf = (0.07*exp(-(V+60)/20))/((0.07*exp(-(V+60)/20))+(1/(exp(-(V+30)/10)+1))) t_h = 1.0/((0.07*exp(-(V+60)/20))+(1/(exp(-(V+30)/10)+1))) h' = (h_inf - h)/t_h I_N = g_N_bar*(V-E_N)*m^3*h t_n = 1.0/((0.01*(V+50)/(1.0 - exp(-(V+50)/10.0)))+(0.125*exp( -(V+60)/80))) n_inf = (0.01*(V+50)/(1.0 - exp(-(V+50)/10.0)))/((0.01*(V+50)/(1.0 - exp(-(V+50)/10.0)))+(0.125*exp( -(V+60)/80))) n' = (n_inf - n)/t_n I_K = g_K_bar*(V-E_K)*n^4 I_leak = g_leak*(V-E_leak) Istim = (-6.65)*(heav(t-20.01)-heav(t-21.01))+(-6.86)*(heav(t-60.01)-heav(t-61.01)) # initial condition init V=-59.9, m=0.0536, h=0.5925, n=0.3192 # final time @ total=100 @ maxstor=1000000 @ dt=0.005 # set the plotting window size: @ xlo=0, xhi=100, ylo=-80, yhi=45 # run the simulation in the GUI by selecting (I)nitialconds|(G)o done