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DJA1436 - Computation Log

Instance Created:  April 26, 2002
Number of Cities:  1436
Optimal Value:  5257
Solved:  April 30, 2002
Solution Method:  Concorde, QSopt LP solver
Solution Time:  69811.2 seconds, AMD Athlon 1900+


Date Gap Lower Bound Tour
4.29.02 Optimal 5257 - Concorde (defaults), using QSopt as an LP solver. The run was carried out on a single AMD Althlon 1900+ processor (1.6 GHz), in 69811.2 seconds, using 1529 nodes in the branch-and-bound tree. 5257 - Found during branching run by Lin-Kernighan heuristic.


1. Concorde is our linear-programming based TSP solver.

2. linkern is an implementation of Martin, Otto, and Felten's Chained Lin-Kernighan heuristic. It is included in the Concorde code.

3. LKH is Keld Helsgaun's powerful implementation of the Lin-Kernighan heuristic.

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Last Updated:  May 6, 2002